Why am I writing this thing again? Pretty simple reasons really, to learn and hopefully, teach at the same time. A day at work often involves a barrage of questions. The basic “how-to” to deeper queries of “why does it work that way,” gives me the oppurtunity to share and learn. So why not apply that outside the walls of my office?
Ultimate goal is to get the OSCE3 - why? I know that recently OffSec has been getting some crap but for me, I’m still learning right now (beyond a few personal bits and pieces) that’s everything that matters. Pushing for something at that level, is a worthwhile goal.
So time to start with the OSCP and get that sorted out. Then we’ll see. Also having to study the AZ-500 for work purposes (OKR fun times?) which shouldn’t be too much effort.
So yeah, that’s it. This blog is basically gonna be my diary as I chase down these certs.
If you have questions - drop them onto Twitter or X, or whatever you want to call the platform these days.
Happy Learning.